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E-Learning Courses

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exclusively chosen by Foodstars to support you with your kitchen and your business.


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Mandatory Food Safety Level 3 Timothy R Andrews e-learning  Supervising Food Safety Level


Approved by CPD, Gatehouse Awards,

Institute of Hospitality & IIRSM

This is a detailed course that starts with basic definitions, then follows a logical path through other topics including, types of food hazards, personal hygiene, pest control, legislation, enforcement, and the design and cleaning of premises and equipment.


It also discusses how to implement a successful food safety management system.


There's a wide range of topics because an effective Food Safety Management System, professionally run, protects your customers, your staff, and the reputation of your company.


Duration 260 mins*

Mandatory Food Safety Level 3 Timothy R Andrews e-learning  Supervising Food Safety Level

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